Sunday, March 15, 2020

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating A Value Proposition Statement for Your Resume. (Hint Theyre Wildly Successful at Getting More Interviews) -

A Step-by-Step Guide to Creating A Value Proposition Statement for Your Resume. (Hint Theyre Wildly Successful at Getting More Interviews) -You may have heard about value propositions in the business and marketing world. Its a clear anschauung that a company uses to convey why you should buy their product or service. Value proposition statements arent exclusive to the business world, though. Creating a clear and concise value proposition for yourself can help you to better market yourself to potential employersand attract the right employers to you. Your value proposition is a promise of value to be delivered to a prospective employer.If youre a medical device sale representative your value proposition is what differentiates you from thousands of other medical device sales reps.I love the definition that the guys over at Kissmetrics used in their deutsche bundespost on value propositions a believable collection of the fruchtwein persuasive reasons people should notice you and take th e action youre asking for.We can easily change people in their definition to employers or recruiters. The action youre asking for is most likely an interview or a promotion (hint value propositions work in both scenarios).A clear and believable value proposition can dramatically increase your chances of being hired and the number of interview requests you receive.How do you create a believable and clear statement about value you deliver? Heres a step-by-step guide to creating a value proposition and using it in your resume.Step 1 Know the Employers Youre Targeting.Think from the perspective of the employer and ask yourself the following questions1. Which companies am I targeting? What industry or industries do I want to focus on?2. What do the employers in my target industry need?3. What problems do they need to have resolved?4. What do they value in a (position title)?TIP If you dont know, ask. Find connections in your network that you can talk to or conduct some market research of your own. If all else fails, consult Google or poll family, friends, and Facebook connections in the industry or similar positions. Ask them what the industry or employer needs, what problems need solving or what they value in an employee.Step 2 Make the Connection Between Your Experience and Their Biggest Need.1. How do your previous accomplishments, successes, and experience point to how you can resolve the employers greatest problems or needs?2. What value or results do you offer the potential employer? Most employers will make the assumption that a previous result/accomplishment is repeatable. If youve done it once, theyll assume you can do it again. This is great when it comes to proving you can deliver value.TIP Prove the value you offer with numbers and percentages.Theres something about numbers. They make statements more believable. Include numbers, percentages, or other metrics when youre writing your value proposition. How much revenue did you generate, time did you save, or client satisfaction did you improve? How much more efficient will things operate?Step 3 Know Your Competition.Its time to think about how your experience and credentials are similar to or different from other similarly qualified candidates.1. I recommend working on a personal SWOT analysis. If youve never done one there is a great step-by-step tool here that you can use. If you need help figuring out the strengths portion of the analysis you can go to and pay for a full analysis. Its really useful if youre struggling in that area.2. In plus-rechnen to or in place of the SWOT and Strengths Finder you could do a USP analysis. Theres an amazing one on MindTools here thats written for businesses. However, its incredibly easy to adapt it for personal use. I happen to love the worksheet that comes along with the article because it helps you to visualize and compare yourself to other similarly qualified candidates. You can get a visual for your own unique sellin g points.TIP Once youve completed your SWOT and/or USP youll have at least three great selling points to help you create a clear value proposition.Step 4 Use Your Strengths.1. Think about the answer to I should hire this candidate because Include two or three reasons based on your USP or SWOT analysis and incorporate numbers or percentages into the sentences.2. Edit the sentences until youre able to clearly communicate your value proposition in one to two sentences max. Be as specific as possible.Heres a simple exampleLets say that youre a medical device sales rep who was formerly a Pediatric ENT. In your previous practice you worked with a representative from Medtronic, a global medical device manufacturer. You were also very well networked in two regions with 200 other Pediatric ENT physicians.Step 1 Know the EmployerYou know from your experience as a Pediatric ENT that Medtronic manufactures the small ear tubes for the surgeries that you performed its a product that you loved bu t is not very well known in either region where youre well connected. They have a couple of needs1. More exposure for their newest ear tube products2. Expansion in both regionsStep 2 Make the ConnectionYoure well known and well respected within your network of physicians and could easily reach out to 200+ pediatric ENT physicians to share your knowledge and experience using Medtronics pediatric ear tubes. Youre an expert on the product and well connected in an area in which Medtronic needs growth and exposure.Step 3 Know Your CompetitionYouve performed your SWOT analysis and your USP. While other candidates may have more years of experience in medical device sales, your strengths and unique selling points are A deep understanding of the product from actual use as a surgeon. Very well connected with Medtronics primary customer base. Not to mention you were a former customer. You ARE their primary target audience. Well respected and admired in your network of doctors. Your network and reach are in the prime area that Medtronic most needs exposure and growth.Step 4 Use Your Strengths.Well-Respected Pediatric ENT who performed 1,255 surgeries using Medtronics pediatric ear tubes. Former Medtronic customer connected with 200+ pediatric ENT physicians within the southeastern region. Passionate evangelist already spreading the word about device use, implementation, and successful patient outcomes.Once you have your rough draft with your 2-3 sentences try distilling and editing it down further until you have it succinct and in one to two lines.Now that you have your unique promise of value articulated, make sure you include it in the top third of your resume. I recommend using it as the headline at the top of your resume or as a subheading over your career summary/profile section. You want it to be one of the first pieces of content the employer reads about you so that it sticks with them.Need help creating or articulating your value proposition? You can find out more about how we can help on my website at

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

11 Signs That You May Be a Control Freakand How to Cope

11 Signs That You May Be a Control Freakand How to Cope Do you think delivering perfect work makes you an ideal employee? Think again. If your perfectionist tendencies take over projects or deliverables and dominate your personal life, too, then you may be acontrol freak.What causes a person to be controlling?There are multiple ways and degrees the need for control can manifest, ranging from simply leid relating well to other people to being a clean freak to even having a personality disorder. Control has more to do with conflicts at a deeper level than with managing outcomes for the sake of good results, according toJennifer Hains, a licensed clinical professional counselor. Control can be linked to subconscious issues related to self-esteem,fear of failure, and previousanxiety-provokingor judgmental childhood environments and experiences.What are the signs of a control freak?To determine whether your need for control is having too adverse of an impact on your life, there are a few signs to spot it. They include1. Dominating projects because you think that if you want it done right, you need to do it yourself2. Suffering from the conviction that there is one right way to do something3. Redoing the work of others to fit your way4. Offering unsolicited advice about how others can improve their work, life, etc.5. Judging the behavior or work of other people6. Taking the lead (or plain taking over) in meetings or conversations7. Getting irritated or anxious if your environment isnt just the way you want it8. Struggling to let go or ruminating about the tiniest details9. Berating yourself for minute errors10. Struggling to maintain relationships with a partner, coworkers, or friends because of your need to control people and events11. Exhibiting many of the above behaviorsIf more than a few of behauptung behaviors sound like you, it may be time to find the balance between holding on and letting go and getting to the root of your controlling nature.Is control freak a personality disorder?While control freak is not a diagnosable personality disorder, if some of these tendencies are part of a larger problem, you may want to seek the help of a mental health professional.Unlikeleadership qualitiesthat are geared to help coach and develop new leaders, controlling tendencies are more about yourself and a reflection of self-judgment that can result in higher levels of stress, anxiety, and health risks, like high blood pressure, ulcers, immune system breakdowns, and depression. Especially if youre a boss, these selfish micromanaging instincts can wreak havoc on your team, leading employees to feel overly scrutinized and unsafe to take risks.How do you deal with a control freak?If youre dealing with a control freak, you first need to recognize that his or her behavior is coming from a place of anxiety. Be direct about behaviors that bother you, while approaching the situation with compassion. It may be annoying to have to work around someone elses alre ady annoying tendencies, but this is a necessary step if you want to make progress. You should also establish your own limits and boundaries before going down a potential rabbit hole.How do you cope with your own controlling behavior?Self-awareness is the first step in healing controlling behavior. But true perfectionists dont take well to having their overpowering actions pointed out. They are prone toreacting defensively to criticism. They dont tolerate imperfection, especially in themselves, although they would be the last person to admit it. A control freak may need to suffer some hard breaks before realizing they may be flawed.Once admitting to themselves the adverse situations, feelings, and turmoil they inflict upon themselves and others, control freaks can dig in to better understand what drives their controlling propensities, which is likely linked to fear. But that doesnt mean that have to get to the bottom of the cause before creating better effects. They can take small s teps to let go and practice being okay with not performing to perfectionists unrealistic ideals.Husbands and partners often dont complete tasks the same way. Most men wont fold towels, make a bed, or even parent to the satisfaction of their mate. A controlling personality can begin by letting go of the small, less critical things by shifting to a mindset of gratitude for the other person and his/her attempt to complete a task.Letting go of controlNothing is perfect, not in nature nor in humans. Viewing our environments and those in it including ourselves with an eye of simple appreciation rather than judgment can aid in acceptance, an important aspect of letting go.Control freaks may find it difficult to relax and unwind. However, learning to be quiet and even do nothing can cultivate greater awareness. Mindfulness practices like meditation, yoga, and walking with deliberate attention to ones environment can help calm the controlling mind, establish more balance, and lead to inner insights. And these insights will aid you greatly in improving your situation, quitting micromanaging, healing your relationships, and devoting more time to being thankful.--Theresa is a writer and the co-founder and Chief Marketing Customer Officer for a job search technology company. Shes passionate about discovering and sharing life and career hacks for women.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Heres What I Know About Resume Latex

Heres What I Know About Resume Latex There are lots of things to check at when writing an agenda. You will love our work. Ensure you didnt miss whatever could cost you the job that you dream about Although, there are lots of diverse methods by which impressive resumes can be made, people have taken to using resume making programslike latex with good enthusiasm. It is possible to also kinders the default text of various labels that show up on the document by employing the subsequent commands. It is very important to realize that Greek letters and special characters like mathematical symbols, and formatting codes like italic, bold, and superscript is not going to automatically convert to Web-compatible codes. All assignments have to be typeset using LaTeX. Theres nothing complicated or difficult that you install, and you can begin using LaTeX at this time, even in case youve never seen it before. The Resume Latex Trap If youre going to be missing school for a length period of time as a result of severe illness, please notify the professor. Youre able to easily buy unique college essays and dont neglect to tell friends and family about it. Another frequent thing on homework assignments is to get multi-part questions. Each homework assignment is due at the start of the following lecture after its assigned, unless otherwise specified. The sections in the template can be utilized as examples to make your own. There are a lot of free resume writing templates online that may assist you with layout etc.. The format should adhere to the template. Item symbols, template takes cv to construct your very first impression for some simple latex. The Chronicles of Resume Latex It is possible to easily depend on us to find essay help as we have a tendency to assist and guide the students with the assistance of our professional experts. Today, fruchtwein college students find it difficult to compose an essay on a particular topic. So for those who have an essay assigned that you require help with, you can purchase essay online cheap from us. Browsing our essay writing samples can provide you a sense whether the standard of our essays is the quality youre looking for. What Has to be Done About Resume Latex Dedicate an idea to a single paragraph only, therefore it is simpler to perceive. If you simply want to follow along without needing to decide for an editor yet, try out the on-line editor from An internet latex editor thats simple to use. In the event the paper is going to be accepted for publication, you may choose to have your manuscript published open access. It will not be reviewed until the manuscript is replaced with one that is reviewable. If your paper is reviewable, it is going to be published for review as soon because it is checked. The entire paper wont be published in the Proceedings. Unfortunately many will only supply you with a pdf file a couple of resumes to select from or nothing that fi ts with your needsenter hloomwe offer 447 professional resume templates and cover letters in addition to cover letter and resume writing help. Writing is a present that comes naturally. When you submit your manuscript you will find an immediate submission confirmation that supplies you with a manuscript ID. As soon as you submit your manuscript you wont be capable of making any adjustments to it unless requested to do so by the Editor-in-Chief as a consequence of the review practice.